Friday, December 4, 2009

Introducing me!

Hi, I'm Chris.

I'm a software developer and for the past year or so I've been working at Cogi. Prior to joining Cogi, I had worked with a couple others on the team, and was really excited to be working with them again in a fast paced, dynamic environment focused on developing high-quality software written in Python.

Most of my development background is in C++ and Python, though I've been known to dabble in Flex, Java, Lisp, and lately Objective C, plus quite a few others. I tend to enjoy writing supporting libraries (like managing threads or state machines, etc), but also write a good deal of client- and server-based code.

My language of choice is, without a doubt, Python. I've worked with several other languages, and looking back I now see how much time I wasted fighting with them. I love how Python just gets out of my way and helps me get the job done. (Of course there was the initial shock of "what, no curly braces and indentation matters?", but I quickly got over that.) I've been using Python since around 2.3, and I'm loving the continually improving language, right on up to Python 3.x.

I'll be writing entries that mostly focus on working with Python, or some of the various tools and libraries that we use with Python, but I will likely also write entries for other projects and processes that we're involved with here at Cogi.

If you have thoughts or questions, please feel free to ask -- I like to think that I'm pretty good about responding to emails or comments, so fire away!